As you may or may not have heard, my dear dear Quinn's hard drive suddenly expired yesterday. This was very upsetting, and if I acted weird yesterday, I apologize.
Grant, being the wonderful, wonderful, wonderful person that he is, was very quick to fix my problem. This very morning he went out and bought me a shiny, new, naked hard drive, that I've named Newbie. He set up the operating system, and I had a working laptop in less than 24 hours from the initial problem.
Because I was a Very Bad Girl, and hadn't backed up practically anything for A Very Long Time, we are going to send it away and have the files recovered for Quite A Lot of Money. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Susan, because this is all you are getting.
Learn from my mistakes people. Back up your files. That way when your hard drive dies, you can say, "oh well, that sucks a bit," lose a few files, and spend one or two hundred dollars for a new one. Then you will not have to pay Quite A Lot of Money like Naughty Sue had to.
Anyways, in mourning of the passing of the Old Quinn, and to celebrate the newness of a Shiny New Quinn, I have peeled off the vinyl on her back and will be designing a new vinyl.
And I need to do it quick, because she is very naked and it's freaking me out:

Hint: if you have a plastic macbook, Goo Gone works very well on getting nasty adhesive off.