Sunday, February 8, 2009

you can stay here forever....if you want to.

I saw Coraline last night. LOVED it. Lots of funny moments, but definitely creepy too. Not quite as scary as the book, but there were parents taking out their young kids halfway through the movie. Do these parents not research movies before they take kids to see them? We're talking about five and six year olds.

Here is Mr. Toast, with buttons in celebration of Coraline:


Jen said...

If you would have had the cameos in red, you would have looked crazily patriotic.

We have 25? people in my household. 5 live in my house. We have 3 buildings (although the one only holds 1 person, but it has laundry room and pantry as well.)

(ok, I don't think that worked. doing this again.- and P.S. My imagination is almost always scarier than a movie.)

Anonymous said...

Do parents research movies before taking their children to see them? HA! After seeing 5 and 6-year-olds at movies like The Fellowship of the Ring ("mommy, what's a tomb?), Spiderman, and The Dark Knight, I'm going with "no."